Thursday, December 19, 2019

Hi. wollte mich mal wieder bei dir melden.

Nutze die Chance!

Liebe Grüße
trashcan hamburg


Rape in India: How Rahul Gandhi and Narendra Modi both made it a political issue
Rahul Gandhi is now under attack, but PM Narendra Modi has also invoked rape to win elections.
Walmart to trial driverless grocery deliveries in Texas
Technology could have a significant impact on the way goods and services are delivered to our homes.
'Jumanji: The Next Level' is worth a replay
"Jumanji: The Next Level" is an obvious play on videogame jargon, but the subtitle doesn't describe the program that this light-hearted sequel follows. That's because the mission is to replicate the original's appeal -- inevitably minus any sense of discovery -- with a few welcome wrinkles, a basic level that the movie pretty efficiently conquers.

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